Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

July 1, 2013

Here are some photos of the beautiful PRS Brazilian Rosewood acoustic guitar we have in stock.

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar PRS Tonare Grand

Brazilian Rosewood became an endangered species decades ago. Since 1991 it has been protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species making this guitar extremely rare. Other special features are gold hardware, moon inlays with 14 karat gold crescents, 12th fret bird with 14 karat gold outlines, private stock eagle headstock inlay with 14 karat gold outlines. The woods on this guitar were personally hand selected from the PRS Wood Library.

Due to the high demand and limited supply of Brazilian Rosewood, and its continued exploitation in recent decades, it has been listed in the most restrictive category of endangered species: CITES Appendix I. Not only is the lumber restricted from being imported or exported from country to country, but even finished productsmade of Brazilian Rosewood may not cross international boundaries.

Brazilian rosewood is one of the most highly prized woods in Brazil. The timber has been harvested since colonial times for high-quality furniture and musical instruments. Also known as the Bahia Rosewood, Rio Rosewood, Rio Palisander, Jacarandá De Brasil, Pianowood, Caviuna, or Obuina (Dalbergia nigra) is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. The term “Brazilian Rosewood” has been misused often recently. It should only be referred to as “Dalbergia nigra.” However, due to extreme rarity, high value and limited availability of legally permitted or certified lumber, many businesses often misrepresent other similar species as “Brazilian” rosewood.  Living trees can be found only in Brazil, from the eastern forests of Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. It is threatened by habitat loss, since most of its habitat has been converted to farmland. Due to its endangered status, it is CITES-listed, and logging of living trees is illegal and strictly enforced.